Wednesday 4 March 2015

Storyboard for Divaat's Tinder video

I was contacted by Flixit animations to create storyboards for an advertisement video for Divaat which included Indian men using the dating app 'Tinder' for the first time. I had used Gimp for creating and illustrating the storyboard. Below are the final images:

You can view the final video by following this link:

Friday 5 December 2014

A 'Self illustration' work

This is my attempt at self illustration of me sitting in front of my computer. I created it using my wacom tablet.


Monday 8 September 2014

Storyboarding exercise

These are some of my storyboard sketches. I had only attached the first page of the storyboard, and will post the rest of the pages as I finish them.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Some of my Digital paintings

Given below are few of my digital paintings which I had created over the past 2-3 years. Just thought of sharing them.

Disaster in the dark
This was one of my first paintings in Photoshop which I did while studying at Arena animation, Calicut. It was inspired by the 'air crash investigation' TV-series shown in National geographic channel. At the time, I thought that I had created a fictional airline 'westair', but later I realized that there is an actual airline by that name. :)

Subway train for C.S.T.
This was my personal concept art of a subway train for Mumbai. The C.S.T. stands for
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. I had created this entirely in photoshop...(the reason for this special mention of software is because most of my friends thought of this being created in 3d with some tweaking in photoshop).
Portrait of my Great Grandfather
This is my great Grandfather's portrait which I had painted by 'looking' at a similarly framed old sepia-toned photo on my table. I know that it would be simpler if I had scanned the image and traced it in photoshop, but I just thought of doing a little honest work of painting using my mouse.

Tower of tension
This was my submission for some (I forgot...) graphic art competition and I don't know what had happened to it...I guess it never got mentioned or short-listed and over a period of time it faded into obscurity. The concept depicted in the illustration is that of a mobile tower struggling with too many mobile phones surrounding it similar to an urban citizen trying to balance his life with too many tasks and relationships facilitated by the social media.